Mom and Dad-
Hello again! K my Address is 368 Hospital Dr. Crestview, Fl 32539.Yeah I just got the package on Saturday. When did you send it? Im pretty sure it takes like 4 extra days to go through the mission office. Thank you so much. Its nice to have stuff to snack on. That’s awesome you guys had everyone up at the Lake house this weekend. Sorry about the weather though. Was dad bummed? General Conference was so good. I really liked Elder Hollands talk on Angels ministering to us. That one was hit me pretty good. Which ones did you guys like? I loved how when they announced the temple in Rome, you could hear everyone in the conference center gasp. We watched it at our church building. There wasn’t too many people there because most people just watch it on tv now days.
Yesterday was amazing! In between sessions, we had a lesson with this girl named Jenny. Her boyfriend Ben just got his mission call to New Zealand and a couple weeks ago he gave us a call and said he wanted us to teach Jenny some of our beliefs. Ben is awesome by the way. He totally reminds me of Ray. So anyways, last week we taught her the First Lesson and she just seemed very quiet the whole time. Then a couple days later Ben called and said that Jenny was still very interested and she had read some of the Book of Mormon. So we met with her yesterday and it was such an amaizing lesson. At first she was saying how she just didn’t know how to know for sure whether the Catholic church(which she was raised in) was right or the Mormon church. She told us how everything about the Mormon church just feels so right and it all sounds so good, but she just didn’t know. She then said that she had prayed but wasn’t sure if it was an answer she was getting or just her own feelings. I explained to her that God is always going to give an answer, that’s not the hard part. The hard part is the fact that so many people in todays world are just too comfortable with there lives to actually act on the answer when it is received. I told her that I have seen way to many people on my mission so far that have prayed and prayed and prayed for answer, then they complain and say the church isn’t true because they didn’t receive a sign. Its not because God wasn’t willing to give them that answer, its because they were not willing to act on it and to change there lives. I bore my testimony to her about prophets and about the plan of salvation and eternal families. She then started crying and said she knows its true, but she didn’t know how she would tell her parents. She said that she was scared that they wouldn’t speak to her. I then told her about Mom and how she converted and how Nanna and Boppa didn’t but how they still loved each other. Then we talked about Temples and that they will have the opportunity to hear the gospel whether it be in this life or the next. To sum it up, she expressed how she wants to raise her family in the church. She told us that as she has read about baptism, she gets so excited. ANYWAYS, it was a good lesson. I wish I could explain it better! Words cant describe how happy I was yesterday. We had planned on teaching her the plan of salvation, but for about an hour and a half we talked about stuff that had nothing to do with that. It was a testimony builder for me, that the spirit directs these lessons, not us. Ben called us today and said that Jenny said that every single thing that was said by Elder Hill and I, were answers to questions that she had prayed about the night before. Missionaries do not teach these lessons, the spirit does.
That whole thing probably sounded extremely boastful, sorry. I was just really excited. I hope that all made sence. I love you guys. I wish you were here sharing these experiences with me. I love my mission. Experiences like the the lessons we had with shaheem and Jenny make every bad day worth it. Mom- Yes I am taking my Juice Plus pills. I just took one today I love you with all my heart. Dad- I love you with all my heart too. Take care of the grandkids for me. I miss them so much. I love those pictures you sent. Im fine on cloths, at least till Christmas I love Yall!!!
Elder Joshua Burnham
P.s. The rest of the week was good too. I just realized I didn’t really say anything about how im doing or how the rest of the week went. All I did was tell you that story. Ill do better next week Sorry! I love yall!
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