Mom, Dad, and Family-
This week has been a pretty good one. We found 4 new people to teach so that was pretty good. The weather is getting so nice here. Its about 75 degrees today and not very humid at all. That’s pretty much how it’s been all week and hopefully it’ll keep getting colder from here on out cuz I’m loving it You want pictures of Elder Honzic? That was my trainer, I think I sent pictures of him a while ago. Elder Hill is who Im with right now. I know its probably confusing because they all start with Elder.
Im still having a blast here. The only thing I miss is being around other missionaries for P-day. The closest missionaries to us besides the sisters are about 45 minutes away in Defuniak Springs. The whole Jenny situation worked out pretty good. We are still going to teach her. It’s a long and complicated story so I'm not going to get into it haha. But it worked out that’s all that matters. We actually just taught her another lesson yesterday and it went really well. She said she wants to be part of the church and raise a family in it so I think she is getting pretty close. Id say she is probably our most promising investigator right now. We ended up doing a butt load of tracting this week. Its hard to get ward members to get out and talk to their friends and neighbors. Seriously, that is the only way the work is going to progress, is if the members realize that it is their job to get out and find people. I feel for them though, because it is extremely intimidating to talk to people in the south considering everyone is Baptist and pretty much everyone has heard of the Mormons and thinks we are a bunch of Loonies. I guess theres an anti-mormon movie that’s really popular our here called God Makers. Its some ex-temple worker that fell away and he made this cartoon of the temple ceremony that is all false. Most of the people that like to bash out here have that movie and swear by it. Its so annoying.
So Daniel Griffin is putting in his papers? That is so crazy! Has Brett Anderson left for Africa yet? Ive been talking to Ray and Brett a lot lately. Its kinda fun writing letters back and forth with them. Ive also been writing to Emily Labonte a little bit lately. She says shes going down to Yorba Linda for a little bit soon and shell probably come visit you guys. That’s so awesome that you guys talked to Sister Baird. Yeah she was way cool. Her Daughter is Sister Cooksie in our Ward. The Cooksies are probably one of my favorite families out here. So You talked to her for like 30 minutes I here? Sister Cooksie said you guys were both crying lol. That made my day yesterday when I heard she called you guys. I knew she was going to try but I know how our family is with answering phone numbers we don’t recognize haha. That’s awesome that you guys are doing that Prop. 8 thing on the street corner. Ive heard a lot about that out here as well. Everyone is talking about how bad it is in California right now. So scary. But at least we know that whatever happens, it'll all work out in the end.
Ive been reading Jesus The Christ every night before bed. Thank you for sending it out. That book is so amazing. Its completely addictive though. Can you believe how close Christmas is? That is so weird to me. Summer flew by way to fast. I don’t really have any Christmas ideas yet. Ill probably ask for another brown pair of 32”32 express pants and that’s it. I really need Shawna's new address. I wrote her and the family a letter and I cant send it until I have their new address. Anyways, sorry about the boring letter. There wasn’t that much to write about this week. Ill do better next week. I love you gusy with all my heart. Your in my Prayers every night. I love you Mom! I love You Dad! Im way excited to talk to yall on Christmas
Elder Joshua Burnham